Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You Really Are What You Eat.

You've heard the expression, you've probably said it yourself. "You are what you eat." Many don't realize how true that statement really is. I'm not just talking about food here either. What about what we listen to, what we watch, what we look at? If we are continually filling our minds with garbage of tv shows that curse and have sexual innuendos or scenes, why do we think that we don't become a victim of Satan's lies? If Psych lets loose a string of explicit words and jokes, why do we somehow convince ourselves that we won't be temped to say them, and you know, well, THINK THEM!?!?!?!?! It's bound to happen. Or if we don't condone it, but give the excuse that, "Mom, everything has curse words in it." It is possible to be filling our minds with much more wholesome things than that! I love USA shows, but more and more I feel myself thinking things that are not God honoring. Oh be careful little ears what you hear! If we listen to music with words about sex, partying, etc. I understand, it's hard when pretty much EVERYONE is listening to it. But, that really is no excuse! We SAY that we "want to be different", but when we give into what everyone else is doing we end up being people so focused on being different, that we end up being the same. There are many different options of things to listen to besides Lady Gaga and Ke$ha. And if you disagree, I would be more than happy to show you some great artists! God wants us to answer the question on whether or not what we say, think, listen to, watch, etc.... are more important than Him.

Have you noticed it? You really are what you eat.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Still Unhindered?

Ok. It's hard to stay on fire for Christ. We youth group-goers, church people, go on trips and realize that our walk with Christ isn't where it could be. So we surrender these hindrances, tell our group that we feel "changed" and maybe witness to someone at the Taco Bell on the way home from our trip. :D Then, we wake up the next day with a fire and a purpose, perfectly energized for the long day ahead, and we grab our Bibles, dive into His word and after a time spent with Him, we feel great. Living for Christ, not going back to that sin.
Fast forward 2 weeks. How do you feel? Do you still get excited in the morning to read God's Word? Are you still active in your faith? Do you share His love with others? It's hard. Many times we forget that most of the world is dying and going to Hell. We don't think about that most of the time. These people are searching! They need Jesus whether they realize it yet or not. Don't let the doubts like, "What if they don't want to listen?; What if our relationship is awkward after it?; I don't even know them!; They probably will have questions I don't know how to answer!" I could go on and on and on. Jesus never said that sharing His salvation would be easy, or fun, He just said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." Think of the martyrs in the Bible, do you think it was easy to share His name knowing they would die for it? Of course not. Yet they did it willingly. Do we realize that Jesus DIED a humiliating and painful death so we could see Him in heaven? He loved us that much. Now how bad is it? A slightly awkward or nervous conversation. That's not as bad as loosing our life. Not everyone is called to be a missionary. Maybe you are just called to share His love and stand up for what is right in your school. Jesus gave his LIFE! Can't we give our time? Give Jesus your FULL attention. He wants to be your best friend. Don't let trips, revival services, or a good Sunday, just be a "holy high." Let is be a true change. True growth. Are you still Unhindered?

Here I am.

Well hello everyone. Yes, I started a blog, as you can tell. :D Many of you that are listening, if you are listening, don't know something about me. I am a writer. It's a sort of secret passion of mine that few know about. I have aspirations to be a magazine journalist in a Christian teen girls magazine. I've always loved to write, and would write things about God, struggles, and many different issues that we teens face. I didn't want anyone to really know about it because I was afraid that what I wrote wasn't good enough for the public eye. What I have to say may not be very entertaining, or interesting, but I feel that writing professionally is what God wants me to do as a way to make a difference for Him. But nevertheless, I write and write. And I feel as if I'm pouring out my soul to someone. Though the only someone to have ever seen all of my work is well, the big man himself. So here I am writing to you, writing my opening "letter" to no one. At least no one yet.