Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You Really Are What You Eat.

You've heard the expression, you've probably said it yourself. "You are what you eat." Many don't realize how true that statement really is. I'm not just talking about food here either. What about what we listen to, what we watch, what we look at? If we are continually filling our minds with garbage of tv shows that curse and have sexual innuendos or scenes, why do we think that we don't become a victim of Satan's lies? If Psych lets loose a string of explicit words and jokes, why do we somehow convince ourselves that we won't be temped to say them, and you know, well, THINK THEM!?!?!?!?! It's bound to happen. Or if we don't condone it, but give the excuse that, "Mom, everything has curse words in it." It is possible to be filling our minds with much more wholesome things than that! I love USA shows, but more and more I feel myself thinking things that are not God honoring. Oh be careful little ears what you hear! If we listen to music with words about sex, partying, etc. I understand, it's hard when pretty much EVERYONE is listening to it. But, that really is no excuse! We SAY that we "want to be different", but when we give into what everyone else is doing we end up being people so focused on being different, that we end up being the same. There are many different options of things to listen to besides Lady Gaga and Ke$ha. And if you disagree, I would be more than happy to show you some great artists! God wants us to answer the question on whether or not what we say, think, listen to, watch, etc.... are more important than Him.

Have you noticed it? You really are what you eat.