Monday, December 5, 2011


Christmas. My favorite time of the year. Period. The sights, smells, and feelings you get with this amazing time are wonderful. It's hard to not get caught up in it all. I've heard my share of "What Christmas is really about." lectures. I'm sure you know. It's really about Jesus. Right?

Christmas is a beautiful celebration the birth of our Savior. But don't stop there. He was born to be our SAVIOR. He was born to become our filth. Our greed, lust, and selfishness. It's humbling. A lot of times I don't really think about it. I don't think Jesus left his throne in Heaven to come as a baby here on earth for ME. For you. Why on earth would a perfect, holy God do that for  the rebellious mankind that could care less? 

Love. That's all there is to it. It's a crazy, insane thought; but somehow he thought that we were worth it. I've given my heart to Jesus. But somehow I manage to sin every day. Yet when He looks at me, he sees his creation, that he loves. I continually ask, "Why? Why am I worth it when I fail you daily?" And somewhere in the silence He whispers to me, "Because I love you. And my Son was worth you." It's mind baffling.

So one cold night, in Bethlehem, He sent his son Jesus to be the best Christmas present ever.

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